Saturday, May 12, 2007


In the last year before the Sonesta closed, all the old time regulars came back in droves. It was wonderful, and although it was a melancholy time, it was just great to get to see everyone again... and their children and grandchildren!! So many stories... So many lives she touched and was touched by... Please know this, you were 100% a part of Judi's family, and she'd give everything to have you all back again...

Mom said she felt like the old oak tree on the property, with everyone always checking to make sure she was still there. Being there for you was more important to her than I (or words) could ever express. Being a part of all of your lives... Closing the chapter on a 32 year long book isn't so easy... for any of us.

Please come here to exchange your hellos and tell your Sonesta/Judi the Jewelry Lady stories. If you've got pictures to share, Mom would love to see them & with your permission, we'd love to post them here on the blog! Please email pics of you and your kids making jewelry with Judi to

The pic above is about 25 years old. Judi's the one on the right, in the bikini! That's where it all began: under a chickee hut adjacent to the SeaGrape Bar and the Snackerrie, on the sand, on a couple of sheets held down with driftwood.

And the pic to the right here just came in! Thank you to Elaine, Sarah and Elaine!! I remember when this one was taken! Talk about some serious little designers... phew! Check out Sarah's Shark Tooth Necklace and all the bracelets on Char's arm. Gonna show mom at the end of the day. :) She's going to be so thrilled!

The comment section is open, and it's at the bottom of this post. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss the Sonesta, and I miss Judi! So glad she was still there till the end! I started making jewelry with her in the mid-70's, and I practically grew up on the property! So sorry it closed!